Need for perfection
Railways demonstrated an innovative approach and commitment to modern technologies
The President of OAO RZD, Mr Vladimir Yakunin and the Governor of the Samara Region, Mr Nikolay Merkushkin took part in the official opening ceremony of a reconstructed wagon-washing complex of the passenger depot Samara. Here, for the first time in Russia the two-stage carriage washing technology will be used.
The symbolic START button was the signal for the wagon-washing launch, which was pressed simultaneously by Mr Vladimir Yakunin, Mr Nikolay Merkushkin, the General Director of OAO FPC, Mr Mikhail Akulov and the President of ZAO Wagon-Service, Mr Yoram Ben-Israel producing the long sounding horn.
The grandparents’ methods are now just a thing of the past. Literally within 9 minutes three carriages appeared crystal clean with the help of water and special acid and alkaline solutions.
The President of ZAO Wagon-Service, Mr Yoram Ben-Israel announced: “Investment in modernization and reconstruction of bead-blasting/painting and washing complexes will be done throughout the net of railroads. I am proud to be able to take part in the modernization of Russian infrastructure in my field of activity and would like to thank OAO RZD’s management for understanding my business model and supporting it.”
Notably, the circulation water supply system of the wagon-washing complexes, which uses 70% recycled water, cleanses source, circulation and sewage water from admixtures, hard particles and harmful substances in compliance with all ecological norms.
Reconstruction of the complex has been carried out with the assistance of outside investments amounting to 515 mln. RUB. This is the pilot project of the rail network modernisation programme which includes 15 wagon-washing and 7 bead-blasting/painting complexes.
“FPC’s main objective is to improve passenger service, – said Mikhail Akulov – And our strategic tools to achieve this are investments in new locations and modernization of existing infrastructure”.
Further introduction to scientific achievements continued in the motor-car depot Bezimyanka, where mobile Expo Centre of OAO RZD was placed, represented by trucks, cars and other purpose-built vehicles which can go on rail and off-road track.
For example, based on KamAZ, “letuchka” thanks to the special suspended equipment is transformed to a real rail current repairs complex.
The depot itself was spotless; everything gave an impression of ideal order – not instantaneous, but well-running and habitual. This is the result of two-year work by the staff on the introduction of the lean manufacturing principles on the site.
Participants of the Assembly walked through spacious light pavilions, spoke to the workers, listened to a short report of the depot’s Head, Mr Sergey Romanichev, which concluded that economic effect from using the lean-technology for the rolling stock repairs only in the first half of the year 2012 came to 600 000 RUB.Innovative and advance technologies applied shows that RZD is a serious player in the transportation market.
13 July 2012
An opening ceremony of a state-of-the-art wagon washing complex took place in Samara
Alexandr Stoletov
2 August 2012
Special report: A state-of-the-art automatic washing complex has been opened in Samara
Railroads operate all year-round in any weather conditions: heat, rail, snow and slush. It goes without saying that it is more pleasant for a passenger to travel in a beautiful and clean carriage. However, bearing in mind the number of rolling stock operated at the net of RZhD railroads, it is not an easy task to keep it exemplary clean and manual washing is not the best variant, especially in the XXI century. Russian Railways management parlayed on modern technologies – construction of automatic washing facilities. One of them, that has no analogues in Russia, was developed by Wagon-Service and opened in July 2012 in Samara.
For further details refer to Mr Alexandr Stoletov’s special report.
12 July 2012
Brushes have been removed
This is the first wagon washing complex in Russia of this level. The building has been reconstructed; the shop has been fitted with new equipment.
Earlier, carriages were washed with mechanic rollers; thereafter workers perfected them with brushes. Around five to seven washmen worked there depending on the quantity of carriages, but after the washing, carriages looked far from new. “Manual labour is now set aside completely – said Head of the depot Mr Sergey Yamshchikov – Only one operator and a computer fulfil all washing processes here. Modern washing detergents and technologies are applied”.
Carriages are washed automatically: all shop sites can be seen on the operator’s monitor. When a diesel locomotive enters the shop, the water supply switches off automatically in order to avoid water spilling on the locomotive’s air netting. Additionally, the washing complex is equipped with eco-friendly recirculation sewage treatment facilities. After passing through these facilities water is delivered to the washing machine for reuse and waste is disposed of, which saves resources.
A presentable exterior view of rolling stock will attract additional passengers to railroad transport.
Safety of railway transportation is another not less significant matter for passengers.
It is planned that by the end of the year new equipment for bogies shop will be set up in the depot: modern stands for disassembly and assembly, rooms for washing and painting. Mr Sergey Yamshchikov explained that there will be a possibility to repair even bolster-less high velocity bogies of the new types of carriages.“It has large importance as far as technical maintenance of modern rolling stock is concerned. For today new-type carriages are put only in two trains operated by Kuybishevskaya branch of FPC: Samara-Moscow and Samara-Saint-Petersburg, – he explained. – But other carriages also need high-quality maintenance with application of modern technologies”.
The reconstruction will enable increase of the depot repair capacities by over 900 carriages per year, whereas in 2001 the depot repaired 550 carriages.
Anatoliy Semenov
16 July 2012
New life
Starting from the 1st of October railroads, having become regional centres, will have to provide technological and corporate coordination of the activity of the holding’s territorial subdivisions.
Vladimir Yakunin emphasised that he delegated part of his presidential powers to heads of railroads, the same happened to directories’ central offices in relation to their brunches. Regional centres will be concentrated on development and control of the balanced purpose-oriented activity parameters that will correspond to the holding’s development strategy. In this connection there will be reviewed norms for personal participation of the heads of railroads and their deputies in management processes and business activities. By the example of Oktyabrskaya railroad the company’s Head drew attention to the importance of regional executive commissions at all levels. The railroad’s Head acts as the Chairman of such commission at the level of a railroad. Executive regional groups are headed by Deputy Head of the railroad, and finally there are junction working groups headed by Heads of stations, that, as explained by the Head of railroad Viktor Stepanov, act as integrators of single transportation process.
On the picture (left to right) Head of Kuybishevskaya railroad Mr Shevket Shaydullin, President of Wagon-Service Mr Yoram Ben-Israel, Head of RZD Mr Vladimir Yakunin, General Director of FPC Mr Mikhail Akulov and Governor of the Samara region Mr Nikolay Merkushkin opened a unique wagon washing complex at Samara passenger depot. Our newspaper reported about it in detail in edition dated the 12th of July. |
Head of Severnaya railroad Mr Alexey Mironov noted importance of regional and interregional coordination boards’ engagement in the corporate and technological coordination system. Their work resulted in growth of the rate of subsidies granted for compensation of suburban companies’ losses by 12% as compared to the previous year.
Almost all regions within the railroad bounds announced their intentions to make provisions for breakeven result of suburban services upon the outcome of the current year. Mr Alexey Mironov stood for development of standard rules of cooperation between Deputy Heads of railroads and all subdivisions of branches and the railroads themselves. The standard agreement of cooperation between railroads and branches, daughter companies and their subdivisions shall also be revised. Also, development of rules of cooperation between the Central traffic management directory and the concerned directories shall be finalised. In addition to this, it was proposed to develop a uniform technological process for passenger traffic on Sverdlovskoy railroad.
Head of Zapadno-Sibirskaya railroad Mr Alexandr Tselko noted that the coordination boards’ activity helped in finding solution regarding optimisation of car fleets management. Only twelve rolling stock operators work in Kuzbass, all small operators consolidated their fleets into one that amounts to 23 000 carriages. Optimisation of operators at load stations, as well as growth of empty stock rooting percentage will be the next step.
When summarising the assembly Mr Vladimir Yakunin noted that the targets on organisation of effective, stable and safe operation of railroads can be realised only in case when the declared client-centeredness finds an outcome in specific support of the main clients – freight owners and passengers.
Oleg Sergeenko
Samara –Moscow
19 July 2012
The best to be shown
Author: Dmitriy Popov
16 July 2012
A state-of-the-art wagon washing complex has been opened in Samaraс
НThe first private wagon washing complex fitted with up to date equipment appeared on the territory of Samara passenger depot. It is the first washing complex in Russia where the two-stage technology of passenger carriage washing is applied (with acid and alkaline-based solutions).The complex can work at the temperature down to -20ºC and wash twenty trains per day. The President of RZD OJSC, Mr Vladimir Yakunin, the Governor of the Samara region, Mr Nikolay Merkushkin, the Vice-President of RZD OJSC – General Director of FPC OJSC, Mr Mikhail Akulov, the President of Wagon-Service JSC, Mr Yoram Ben-Israel and the Managing Director of Wagon-Service JSC, Mr Alexey Shumkov were all present at official ceremony of the washing complex opening.
Magazine RZD-Partner
President of Wagon-Service JSC, Mr Yoram Ben-Israel, President of RZD OJSC, Mr Vladimir Yakunin and Governed of Samara region Mr Nikolay Merkushkin (left to right) at the official ceremony of the washing complex launch |
Innovative equipment produced by German company BEFRAG offers possibilities for significant reduction of pure water consumption by the washing machine |
Special design of brushes that repeats the form of a carriage side wall allows for effective washing of slopes of a carriage without any additional tools application |
The length of the washing complex in Samara passenger depot, Kuybishevskaya branch of FPC after reconstruction is 101 meters |
The washed train is ready for trips |
Author: Nadezhda Vtorushina
16 July 2012
Rated capacity of the new wagon washing complex in Samara reconstructed by Wagon-Service is 300 carriages per day
This is the performance at which the company’s management aims, although it is early to speak about 100% utilisation of the complex’s capacities.
It is planned that all complexes will be all year round, where high quality washing services will be rendered regardless of the season.
Author: Nadezhda Vtorushina
16 July 2012
"Wagon-Service" is determined to invest 4.3 bln RUB in the business development till 2016
Launch of the state of the art wagon-washing complex in Samara that took place on the 12th of July 2012 gives a start to Wagon-Service’s large-scale programme on business development in Russia.
Author: Nadezhda Vtorushina
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