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Local body repairs technology that makes it unnecessary to completely repaint the surface

Body repairs usually involve a lot of technological operations, including total body repainting. JSC Wagon-Service offers certified body repairs technology that can be implemented locally, exactly at the damaged parts. Guaranteed effect of this technology is most noticeable on surfaces painted with modern polyurethane materials, including “base + varnish”.

Technological operations involved in local body repairs:

  1. Measuring the area of the damaged surface.
  2. Damaged surface polishing.
  3. Surface grounding.
  4. Grounded surface drying.
  5. Surface filling.
  6. Damaged surface polishing.
  7. Applying leveling primer.
  8. Grounded surface drying.
  9. Damaged surface polishing.
  10. Applying base enamel to repaired surface.
  11. Applying “metallic” coating.
  12. Applying varnish.
  13. Fully repaired surface drying.

The measures listed above help damaged carriage body to recover its original appearance.

Our specialists’ investigations also prove that Wagon-Service’s technological solutions are allocable at passenger and freight carriages repairing sites. As a rule, local repairs of the rolling stock is preformed at railway depots or car repairing plants, i.e. at the same place where the running repairs of carriages are done. It shall also be mentioned that our local repairs technology makes it possible to repair freight and passenger carriages even out of door, i.e. during short-term lay-overs.

ZAO Wagon Service
24, build 2, Radio
105005 Moscow
Ph.: +7 (495) 231-16-80
Fax: +7 (495) 231-12-41